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Perhaps the biggest domestic tragedy of the mid to late 20th century was the demise of black families socially, educationally and culturally. Enslavement positioned black families to lag behind other ethnic groups for decades because of a lack of comparable economic and educational opportunities. Unfortunately, the 1960’s rising drug culture and federal mandates that wouldn’t allow male head of households to live on the premises of households receiving welfare assistance were critical contributors to the current status of black families in America. Both continue to play havoc on this community resulting in high rates of incarceration, continuous elevated school dropouts, and the fracturing and break-up of “traditional” African American nuclear family units. This devastating trend has continued to this present time.


  • To present a platform launching the “Family Meal” as a key driver for building empowered and sustainable family units.
  • To use storytelling as a primary tool in strengthening families.
  • To expose and present unknown cultural elements of The Black Experience in America and globally that provides elements of understanding and completeness to a peoples’ story.
  • To recognize “The Dinner Table Environment” as the heartbeat of the home where love, care and nurture is present and readily offered.
  • To create familial special occasions and events that forge close physical connection with African/American family members, neighbors and friends via the exchange of real-life stories and experiences
  • To spark interest among African American Baby Boomers, Millennials, and members of Generation Z in learning more about their heritage including their ancestor’s lifestyle patterns and their tenacious attitude towards success and survival.